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31 de May de 2023GreenLED
1 de July de 2023SUMMARY
Demonstrating energy intensive industry-integrated solutions to produce liquid renewable energy carriers from CAPTUred carbon emissionS (CAPTUS)
- Funding: Horizon Europe
- Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02-05
- Project code: 101118265
- Budget: 11,500,000.00 €
- Period: June 2023 – May 2027
- Webpage:
CAPTUS project aims to demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective pathways to produce high-added value renewable energy carriers in energy-intensive industries by valorising industrial carbon emissions and integrating renewable electricity surplus.
For this purpose, CAPTUS will demonstrate 3 cost-effective pathways at 3 demo sites and will perform renewable energy carriers (REC) upgrading studies and quality assessment.
The project, initiated in June 2023, is set to present
its final results in May 2027
2023 - 2025DEFINITION
Baseline assessment and definition of the project framework.2023-2027PRODUCTION
Obtaining chemical products from the
conversion of CO2 from industries of interest.2024-2027VALIDATION
Validation and impact assessment of solutions.
Electrochemical reactor scale-up
The role of Apria in the CAPTUS project involves the engineering process for the scale-up of a reactor for CO2 electrocatalytic reduction (ERCO2); consecutively, its integration with a continuous swing adsorption reactor (CSAR); and finally, the installation and commissioning of the integrated technology in a Cement plant.
This technology will be implemented as the carbon capture solution for the production of formic acid.
CAPTUS is assembled by a consortium of 18 partners from 8 countries
CIRCE, SINTEF AS, Universidad de Cantabria, CSIC, Universita Degli Studi di Genova, Steinbeis Innovation GGMBH, Center for Research & Technology Hellas, Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, Novis GMBH, Draxis Environmental, A4F-Algae for Future, GoodFuels, RINA Consulting, ArcelorMittal Belgium, Hychem QuĂmica Sustentável, Cementos Portland Valderrivas, and Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes.
Discover the last updates of the project
CAPTUS is co-funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union.
Grant Agreement No. 101118265
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