1 de April de 2022TORRES QUEVEDO
2 de August de 2022SUMMARY
Integrated water, energy and resources production for
sustainable seawater desalination (INDESAL)
- Funding:Â European Commission
- Call: LIFE Programme 2021 – Environmental
- Project code: LIFE21-ENV-ES-INDESAL/101074444
- Budget: 3,117,233.14 €
- Period: August 2022 – January 2026
- Webpage:Â https://indesal.revolve.media/
- Contact:Â aguainnova@acciona.com
Circular Integrated Desalination
LIFE INDESAL tackles the challenge of supplying safe freshwater from alternative resources, contributing to fight climate change and to the shift to the circular economy.
The project aims to develop and demonstrate a novel integrated and circular seawater desalination system with a low carbon footprint that produces multi-purpose desalinated water, renewable energy, and resources simultaneously.
The project, initiated in August 2022, is set to present its final results in January 2026
Design, construction, and commissioning
of the three process units.2023-2026PILOT PLANT
Pilot plant operation, monitoring,
and optimization.2022-2026MONITORIZACIÓN
Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness
of the solution.
EDBM and RED unit process
The INDESAL process consists of the design, construction, integration, and commissioning of three process units:
- LMS RO: Low Pressure Multistage Systems Reverse Osmosis
- EDBM: ElectroDialysis with Bipolar Membranes
- RED: Reverse ElectroDialysis
Apria's role in this project is the design, construction, integration, and validation of the RED and EDBM process units.
LIFE INDESAL is implemented by a consortium of five partners
Acciona Agua, S.A, Apria Systems, Universidad de Cantabria, REDStack BV, and Revolve
LIFE INDESAL is co-funded by the LIFE programme of the European Union.
Grant Agreement No. LIFE21 ENV/ES/101074444
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